Community Heroes: Harris + Hoole

Group of young people in Harris + Hoole coffee shop

Harris + Hoole: the perfect On The Up partnership


Crouch End coffee shop Harris + Hoole have been awarded as an Inclusive Gold Partner of my AFK (Action For Kids). In the past year they have raised over £1,000 and supported our work in lots of different ways!

Mic night

Raising vital funds by hosting Open Mic evenings in the shop

The shop has hosted a number of evenings, inviting members of the community to showcase their talents and asking attendees to make donations. They’ve had musicians, poets and stand up comedians get up, to help them get On The Up!

Easter Card

Supporting our trainees enterprise projects

Our trainees are always using enterprise projects to improve their employability and communication skills, as well as increase their confidence. They hand make products such as cards, flower pots, and crafts then head over to Harris + Hoole to put their customer service and sales skills into practise, selling their products and engaging with new people!

Crowd Funding

Crowd funding for life changing, advocating pieces of equipment

Action For Kids ambassador Leon had a dream to share his travel experiences with other wheelchair users by documenting his travel, showing them the most accessible routes and sharing with them his ‘anything is possible’ approach to life. Harris + Hoole sprang into action and crowd funded the money for a Go Pro camera to make his dream a reality!


Shop Manager Lauren said ‘It’s great to support a local charity and use our network to be able to share their story even future.’

Thank you Harris + Hoole, for all your support, you are real #CommunityHeroes! (They make a mean cup of coffee too)

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