New trike for Matthew

Matthew is a 20 years old and from Manchester. He enjoys bowling, going out with his PA (personal assistant) and spending time with his family and friends.
He is very determined and extremely positive which helped him achieve some amazing things. Matthew is a Deputy Head boy at school, has a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award and has been involved in drama events at school and local groups.
Matthew likes socialising but needs one to one support at all times. He has bronchiectasis, epilepsy, Oral-facial-digital syndrome, retinal dystrophy and is registered blind.
His mum contacted Action For Kids (my AFK) and asked for funding for a Tracer trike. Matthew tried a specially adapted bike at an accessibility event and found it very beneficial. Having a trike will enable him to be more independent, allow him to participate in social activities and improve his quality of life.
Matthew’s mum told us: ” “A massive thank you for Matthew’s trike. It is amazing and Matthew is so excited about spending time on it and getting out and about!””
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